Thursday, January 29, 2009
Got killed by New West, this is embarasssssing - no doubt. At least midterms are over and done with, hopefully I passed.. that's all I need, to pass. Haha, Alex, Pia and I made sugar cookies today - they were kinda odd. BUT, more or less of a success anyhow =) I really wanna watch bridewars, blah. I have work Sunday! nooo =( mh, anyhow; i'm hungry. bye =)
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Hope it gives you hell, (8)
So I basically spent the weekend at the boyfriends haha. Chilled there on Friday, pro-d day ftw =) and watched Get Smart - kind of. LOL. We did balloons for Ashley's not-so-sweet-16 surprise birthday the next daay, fail. Played a game, then had healthy McDonalds, definately, =) Saturday was Ashley's not-so-sweet-16th surprise at Alex's, pretty good overall. Two cakes and lots of foood, and a hella long walk to get movies HAHA, that stick. and your tictac :) WOW i'm hilarious.. kidding hehee. Thaaankgosh, the awkwardness is gone =) Another level in two days, I would've never guessed - I stand corrected Matt. Agh, basketball scorekeeping afterschool tomorrow then practice, this bites. Work on Tuesday, game Wednesday against NewWest at HOME.. EMBARASSING ENOUGH?! Practice on Thursday, work on Friday - stressful. Then to add to my pile of joy - MIDTERMS and my french cross grade, all I can hear is Failure. Time to wing it all.
Friday, January 23, 2009
One Finger Up & I'm Out.
I think we've finally eliminated the awkwardness.. Let's hopee eh? =) Anyhoww, spent the day at Al's and just bummed around, literally. Did random things for Ashley's surprise 'not so sweet' sixteenth (: Hmm, stupid dinner tomorrow - I don't want to go at all. So randomly, I miss my friends.. And I know you might think this sounds stupid but seriously, I do. I realize I see them all everyday at school, but things are so different now. Everyones built up a wall between each other and could care less about each other unless they want gossip. How about you try actually giving a second thought about your friends? We used to all be so close, what happened eh? But enough of my ranting. laater!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Nope, we have no game whatsoever. Hence our brutal loss to Moscrop by 65, 84 - 17. That's hurtscore right there.. on the bright side, I did score 6 of those 17 points, ha. But that is such bs.. we lost to Moscrop by more than we lost to Byrne Creek, for real?! agh. Practice tonight, I need to chill. Anyhow - I should be at school.. but I really don't wanna write my essay in english, and I just decided I don't want to go to P.E Leadership either { that includes scorekeeping at lunch } so, basically i'm going to Socials.. but not chem either. haha This is why i'm failing everything to terribly. eh. Pro-D Day tomorrrrrow, thank gosh =) Gooing to the boyfriends to plan Ashley's 'not so sweet' sixteenth, haha. Then Saturday is the not so sweet sixteenth, that's gonna be awkward. I don't know any of her friends and i'm going early - this has EMBARASSMENT written all over it.. anyways, i'm hungry.. and I should go shower, LAAAAATER =)
Monday, January 19, 2009
time flies.
Happy One Month, I suppose. You seem to think less of me believe it or not, but that's just how I see it. On another not so great note, Byrne Creek stomped our asses - hardcore. Game vs Moscrop Wednesday night, getting killed again? we'll see. " Leo: It took a long time to get here, but you're finally feeling happy regardless of what others think. . " Well, how's an accurate horoscope for you? there it is. Yet you still doubtt me, blah. I'm exhausted. I need to get it together with school. I hate my job. I hate my family. I hate home. I hate being yelled at every night. I hate being expected to do everything. I hate how I feel like you're gonna leave me. Well i'm also hungry, so enjoy my rant of the day. (:
Saturday, January 17, 2009
shy that waay
I don't think i've ever been that embarassed in my life.. this is karma catching up to me in 10 seconds time. After that, I didn't even want to ever have to see him again.. ever. Now he won't even drop it.. so stupid. Anyways.. laast night was interesting and fun, overall anyways. Made dinner, successfully =) Sweet potato fries and pasta! Touche Abbs & Slinks hehe, then Alex came and we all played Mario Kart on wii haha.. then Siena and Abby made some fondue, rofl. After Abby had to leaave, we basically had a chocolate fight =) Uhm, obviously I pwned Alex.. thanks for being an accomplice Siena.. LOL, we're sneaky like that ;) prettty epic when we thought Siena's dad was coming down the stairs.. SITTT UP STRAIGHT. then afterwardss, when Alex left, I helped Siena with her desktop project.. that was interesting bahah, then I went homee. Today? Went for lunch with the fams, super lame. Then headedd home and out to chill with Payaa. Stayedd at JC til Joe & Phezz got there, then dropped Phezz off at home and went for food =) then somehow.. ended up at Joes watching American Pie, disgusting. =P Cheeer up phezz (: aahh I have work tomorrow, and that's the day of Abby's birthday party.. =( that suckss. sorrry abba <3>cakefight. ;) hehe, and super stoked for my basketball gamess on Monday and Wednesday against.. Byrne Creek and Moscrop, nanana. time to get owned again! haha, i'm sucha pessimist. however you spell that anyways.. Alrighty i'm outt!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Worlds On Fire*
So our game against Central yesterday was pretty much fail.. I seriously need to get my shot down, this is ridiculous. Now i'm stuck scorekeeping two games tomorrow since I don't have one, stupid Cariboo Hill - we were supposed to stompp you yo! =P Anyhow, Studied during weight training for the I Exam, which I bombed afterschool.. touche Bianca, you suck. I wish I could sleep in tomorrow morning, Stupid mentoring.. argh, skating tomorrow morning too, first block =( and the english project, my gosh. oh haaaaaay; I finally got written up by Ashley. HAHA, she was so chill about it too.. weirdd, she gave me Thursday off - ballin. =) second day I get sent home early; i'm liking this (: LOL so, last night was the most randomest ( if that's not a word, it is now.. ) phone call ever! silly boy, you are not at all - under any circumstances gangster =) Ps: Patrick, blue flushes your purple sweater down the drain. thanks =( Well I better finish my projecttt, laterr (L)

so pro yenno?! EC SH JS BW PP <3
Saturday, January 10, 2009
When the stars go blue.
Karsten , I hate you. So Pia and I pretty much got in shit today at work by Karsten, 14 minute prolonged - whatever man =( .. Therefore, We both now have verbal warnings.. I was saving those write ups for my no shows, damn. =P Anyhoww, at least I didn't get in troublee from Ashley for those no shows hehee. Work again tomorrow, killl me. Ball'd at Bonsor today with Tracy and Paya too, Mark was theree haha. so many asians, you wouldn't even believe it. Pretty excited for the triple header basketball games Monday vs Central; done like dinner ;) kidding. Haad a long discussion with Pia about club basketball this year, Hangtime or Filcansa? Why are both so so so far away.. -.-" BBBUT, besidess that.. I made fourty dollars today (: haha. annnonymouslyy, Why are you so cocky now? everytime you come back - you become a total bitch.. I know i'm one, but you have no right to call me one now; just listen to what comes out of your mouth first. aah... I need more sleep =)
Thursday, January 8, 2009
starlit nights,
because it rains when you're here, and it rains when you're gone.
Hm, I need more sleep.. Basketball is making me exhausted. On top of that, I seriously have to start showing up to work. Ah - I completely winged my chemistry test today, darn. Friday tomorrow, this week went by super fast.. thankfully =) Chilling with LOLAA tomorrow! Then the weeekend, time to catch up on some sleep!
Hm, I need more sleep.. Basketball is making me exhausted. On top of that, I seriously have to start showing up to work. Ah - I completely winged my chemistry test today, darn. Friday tomorrow, this week went by super fast.. thankfully =) Chilling with LOLAA tomorrow! Then the weeekend, time to catch up on some sleep!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Good looking outtt.
Battmanh, i love you bud (: Good lookin' out ♥ You basically did a full on interview eh? haha, you're my hero; hands down. Seems like everyones starting to like him more than I do eh? =P Well i'm glad they're aquainted..ish ;) Anyhoww, chilled with Pia, Jay, and Matthew afterschool - so random lol.. ugh so soree and I have basketball tomorrow. I'll probably just ditch that and go to work? I really need to figure something out there. Oh wow - Friday is 3 weeks, time flies.. =S I seriously need more sleeep. AND definately need to have that talk. LOL Matthew, why do you do this to me? Tell me things like that, I should've known SO long ago.. I feel so bad. OH, thanks for the rain =) About time the ice is disappearingg. I think I could use another 2 week break, thanks. =P
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Not That Simple.
I'm really not sure anymore. I hate this.. I know i'm a bitch and i'm really sorry... but I just don't know....?
Anyhow, to lighten up my mood { not really, since we lost } First game of the season against Burnaby Mountain.. and like I said, we lost. haha, only by fourteen! Better than last year by far - good work ladies (: I should go do something that'll keep me occupied now, laater.
Anyhow, to lighten up my mood { not really, since we lost } First game of the season against Burnaby Mountain.. and like I said, we lost. haha, only by fourteen! Better than last year by far - good work ladies (: I should go do something that'll keep me occupied now, laater.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Winter Wonderland
Did the title not give it away? Yet again, it's snowing.. and a lot too. I wish the snow, the ice, the slush, would just all disappear. Unless, of course, there's no school Monday due to the snow ;) . So the second last day of winter break, what'd I do...? Woke up, got ready, then headed over to Siena's to chill with Matthew and Alex. It was so dead for the first two hours or so? We just sat around and did.. nothing. So I headed home to grab my guitar and wii games, so that kept us occupied for a while. Stupid boy, " you got a promotion?! " - I hate you =P. Anyways, I didn't end up going to Emily's ( Sorrry Abbs! ) I just wasn't feeling the snow, at all. So at like 6ish, Siena and I headed over to Daniel's and stayed til, 10:30ish - for his super sweet eighteenth, ha. So I attempted to learn the guitar, but I have no music talent whatsoever.. so all I achieved was the tiny part in the begining of More Than Words. nanana. Aw, tomorrow's the last day of break.. Then back to all the torture, joy. Then again, i'll get back into shape from all the over eating i've been doing - well thank you weight training and basketball :). I think i'm watching Benjamin Button, the movie, tomorrow.. at 12:15 - so ridiculously early. That's basically it; I think - later =)
Saturday, January 3, 2009
At a loss for words.
It seems like we're in an argument every two seconds, it shouldn't be this way. I feel like i'm constantly trying above and beyond, hopelessly, like the fool I am.. so whipped. fack. Why am I always running in circles over you.. I guess Ben has a point, Now that school starts.. i'll see you less? But it all comes down to how much we're willing to make this work. // On a not so brighter note, I no-showed work yet again today. Terrible, yes I realize that, but it's so ridiculously boring. I'll probably get written up soon, so I should start showing up eh? If I wasn't so broke ass - i'd be gone from there in a blink of an eye. Darn. Let's lay off the depression to end off, yeah? So tomorrow is Daniel Low and Emily Wong's birthday flings - ohD! haha conflictss. I guess i'll go to Daniel's then Emily's - best of both worlds.. forget the baby shower =P Two more days of break before school starts, Sacre Bleu! Time to get my act together, for real this time. Hopefully this weekend ends the break off nicely. Birthdays tomorrow, then see the boy Sunday? Anyhow; i'll fill you in tomorrow - most likely anyways.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
new year, new page.
So, I guess that's not how you imagine spending your NYE.. at a friends, then leaving cus you were bored. But afterall, I ended off the year with loved ones and that was pretty amazing for what I had to work with. So we had dinner at Red Robins with everyonee, then afterwards, we just split up. Then, we headed over to Keith's.. but Elysia and I were in an emo state and peaced it with Siena =) tehehe. LB invasian yo. Not the greatest start after twelve, the lb was blargh. "You're so annoying", "How do your friends put up with you" - Yeah, thanks. That definately made my nightt... not. >=( Oh anyhow, I guess i'm sticking by this. So my New Years? Went for dim sum with the parentals and grandparents, haha my family is so messed.. I found out so many random things today. Afterwards, we went shoppingg. My mom complains, but then she spoils me anyways. I had $70, then ended up with nothing.. but that wasn't even spent on me haha.. 'belated christmas'. My mommy bought me another jacket anyways, and a purse =) Finally got my new ankle brace too. Ah, basketball =) Literally feeling so so so oover weight at the moment. I'm determined to lose 5lbs - watch me. School too, gotta concentratee on that. Well i'm routing for this year, giving it the benefit of the doubt. Let's doooo this =)
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