Friday, February 27, 2009
OH YES. So let me tell you the tale of our one day procrastinated socials fair project. We ventured to the library last weekend to get research done, no luck. So basically, we end up dragging it out til last night since it was due today. We're at Amanada's til 10ish and this project looks pretty good, not gonna lie for a six hour project.. with newspapers from back then and our outfits { all that jazz } so today our presentation was smooth sailingg. And guess what? WE MADE IT INTO SOCIALS FAIRR =) haha and I remember in the begining we were all "whatever, i don't care about getting it.. i just want to finish this" now we're all giddyish. Whatt does this mean? automatic A in socials! ahh, life is good. Out of our entire group, I think this helps most most since Amanda, Nicole, and Siggy were already getting like 70-80% and I was at like 60% bahaha. ANDD WHAT DOES AN A IN SOCIALS MEAN? that I can apply for AP Psychhhh, weeee party party. We're such hypocrites, "who cares about socials fair" LOL now Sok is telling us we have a potential chance of winning the whole thing. But then again, do I really want to spend more money renting out all that junk? naaawt really. Ah work today was boringg. This weekend i'm determined to make my english scrapbook ballin (: and finish my math homework, why Sigrid? BECAUSE LIFE IS GOOD. LLOL =) we're losers. Hmm, this totally turned my end of the week upside down. But walking in the halls in skirts - i felt like a moron, no lie.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Success and A Half.
So, we started and finished our socials fair project today which is due tomorrow. Pro - Procrastination much? It's actually a really sweet project/poster. We've got newspapers that are actually back from the war time and two antique radios, ballin. Everythings just sailing smoothly, oh I pray to god that everything doesn't get wrecked. Anyhow, I don't know what I want.. I'm losing you and it's effortless. (8)
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
All out of my element..
I'm too overwhelmed. Socials fair is driving me insane, it's due this Friday and we're barely started. I highly doubt i'm going to pass math, but the thought of summer school gives me chills. I wish I was more self motivated, then I wouldn't be stuck in this stupid situation. My socials mark is like 60 something percent at the moment. I've dropped chemistry, and i've screwed up my own future basically. You see all these asians, worried about 80% averages, and here I am.. only exceeding in my electives, it's ridiculous. Student Council 09/10 elections are also coming up in the next month, I wanna run.. but can I actually handle it? I don't want to go through running against a friend again and I don't want to be so stressed, not to mention losing. Club basketball starts up in April too, that really does not help. I need to learn time management and prioritizing. I think with all this stuff coming up, having a boy just isn't the brightest idea either. I'm going to be so caught up in everything and I tend to lash out - I don't want to be that girlfriend. So maybe space is best? I think I need time.. & Agh, Sports Banquet next week too.. why do I get myself in over my head? Forget this. Just breathe, one step at a time. Fack. Seriously, I'm falling apart here.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
let's make magic;
Oh gawd, back to school tomorrow. Junior's V&D's in North Van tomorrow, should I go..? blah whatever. Hm, it's bound to happen sooner or later - the question is, Sooner.. Or Later? =\
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Quite the day. Skipped last two blocks cus I was tired as faack and felt quite sick. But honestly, After we left school grounds - I felt good as new, wtf. So battmanh, paya, and I just bummed at JC.. most intense game of Crazy Eights, ever. Afterwards, i wanted to get a haircut - but we ended up justb bumming around. PIA MADE ME DROP MY ICECREAM, JERK!! =( 'baack to black' sso pro yenno? highfive ;) Ah what a short week, I love ittt. =) Too bad i'm still failing math miserably and watching myself fail chemistry.. I'm a failure, yay me!ugh, ss fair tmrw and work.... Anyways, not much to rant about todayy - later days =)
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
i'm gonee,
I think i'll attempt to make a long detailed post, rant after rant.
SO! Yesterday was our basketball wrap up shindig (that's what all the cool kids say these days) and it was all good times haha. We played a little scrimmage and ordered pizza, from Panago I might add ;) Jusst talked about all the memories, so chill. Lol Ms Guy & Ms K are the cutest, we all got handmade construction paper (LOL) made awards with the picture of an NBA player on the front in regards to whichever player suited us. I got Charles Barkley, who I thought was a singer.. but thats Narles barkley, or something. Anyhow, it was for my rapping - so pro.. apparently he's really mouthy too? Naice. STEVE NASHH Em! that was defs mine.. jokesjokes. I'm excited for the sports banquet though, and the awardss.. (cue music), sadly, I'll be setting up and cleaning up - damnit P.E Leadership =(. Oh well, killer season.. aside from all the ownages.
Today, Basketball game with the juniors vs. Terry Fox. Yeah - we lost. I GOT BLOCKED, WTF =( And she was so cocky about it, I was going to punch her in the face. Uhm, my bad Renee? LOL sorry =$ #6 was sucha ditz, she gets hit and goes "OWWWWW" SO FFREAKIN' LOUD. It's basketball, a contact sports.. build a bridge and get the fack over it. yeah? Lastt game of the season, sucks. What sucks even more? MY CAMERA BROKE, bitch and a half. I JUST GOT IT LIKE TWO MONTHS AGO!! My mom is going to literally murder me, wtf. It's JUST like my old one, the lenses are sticking out and won't go back in.. Bad Luck eh?
English: So Ms.Bettles is leavingg us and we'll be stuck with a T.O.C, I feel bad for her =\ Anyhoww.. We have a scrapbooking project which i'm surprisingly excited for =) Ugh, I have a B for term 2... what the fack is wrong with meee. Hopefully the week goes by smoothly without heeer.
Socials Fair? YEAAH RIGHT. It's due next week and we haven't started, at all. This is so stupidd, I have to waste a pro-d day on Friday to work on thi.. then go to work. Well who wouldn't want to spend their day off from school like that? JOY. bs. socials is taking over my life, my mark is dropppingggggg like mad crazy.
Hmm, my block C is quite amusing. I go to chemistry for attendance, claim to go to the cafe then just roam. Today, I bummed around in Ms Manhas' literacy developement class.. haha such a random class, but I love itt- so chill =) Then with like 15 minutes left til the end of class, I went to visit Ms Guy. Her class is so chill too, they were buying things.. weird, building a city or something. She wantss me to help out there or something, but once she's done student teaching.. i'm gone, no thanks to spending time with Ms Virksull and grade eights. OH. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BATTMANH! <3
Here comes the randommm things. THE ZIP UP TODAY EMILY, LOLOL. I wanted to say something about it so many times, I resisted. Ah Victoria field trip, blah. Sidenote? I'm tired of missing you, it's not worth it anymore. I'm done.. & OH CRAP, I forgot to do my french survey, shit. Anyhoww, i'm donee here.
SO! Yesterday was our basketball wrap up shindig (that's what all the cool kids say these days) and it was all good times haha. We played a little scrimmage and ordered pizza, from Panago I might add ;) Jusst talked about all the memories, so chill. Lol Ms Guy & Ms K are the cutest, we all got handmade construction paper (LOL) made awards with the picture of an NBA player on the front in regards to whichever player suited us. I got Charles Barkley, who I thought was a singer.. but thats Narles barkley, or something. Anyhow, it was for my rapping - so pro.. apparently he's really mouthy too? Naice. STEVE NASHH Em! that was defs mine.. jokesjokes. I'm excited for the sports banquet though, and the awardss.. (cue music), sadly, I'll be setting up and cleaning up - damnit P.E Leadership =(. Oh well, killer season.. aside from all the ownages.
Today, Basketball game with the juniors vs. Terry Fox. Yeah - we lost. I GOT BLOCKED, WTF =( And she was so cocky about it, I was going to punch her in the face. Uhm, my bad Renee? LOL sorry =$ #6 was sucha ditz, she gets hit and goes "OWWWWW" SO FFREAKIN' LOUD. It's basketball, a contact sports.. build a bridge and get the fack over it. yeah? Lastt game of the season, sucks. What sucks even more? MY CAMERA BROKE, bitch and a half. I JUST GOT IT LIKE TWO MONTHS AGO!! My mom is going to literally murder me, wtf. It's JUST like my old one, the lenses are sticking out and won't go back in.. Bad Luck eh?
English: So Ms.Bettles is leavingg us and we'll be stuck with a T.O.C, I feel bad for her =\ Anyhoww.. We have a scrapbooking project which i'm surprisingly excited for =) Ugh, I have a B for term 2... what the fack is wrong with meee. Hopefully the week goes by smoothly without heeer.
Socials Fair? YEAAH RIGHT. It's due next week and we haven't started, at all. This is so stupidd, I have to waste a pro-d day on Friday to work on thi.. then go to work. Well who wouldn't want to spend their day off from school like that? JOY. bs. socials is taking over my life, my mark is dropppingggggg like mad crazy.
Hmm, my block C is quite amusing. I go to chemistry for attendance, claim to go to the cafe then just roam. Today, I bummed around in Ms Manhas' literacy developement class.. haha such a random class, but I love itt- so chill =) Then with like 15 minutes left til the end of class, I went to visit Ms Guy. Her class is so chill too, they were buying things.. weird, building a city or something. She wantss me to help out there or something, but once she's done student teaching.. i'm gone, no thanks to spending time with Ms Virksull and grade eights. OH. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BATTMANH! <3
Here comes the randommm things. THE ZIP UP TODAY EMILY, LOLOL. I wanted to say something about it so many times, I resisted. Ah Victoria field trip, blah. Sidenote? I'm tired of missing you, it's not worth it anymore. I'm done.. & OH CRAP, I forgot to do my french survey, shit. Anyhoww, i'm donee here.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Day&Night (8)
Time is going by so slowly lately, what's up with that.. Anyhow; On Tuesay, it's our basketball get together =) Final scrimmage and dinner with the ballers! Wednesday is the game vs. Terry Fox at 5 with the Juniors, naice =) mmh. ProD day next friday too! Maybe this week will look up. So yesterday was Valentines; overrated completely. But I spent it with the LPY, We watched Madagascar 2 and The Oc.. season 3 ;) Lol, he made me dinner.. and a poem =) cutee. Haha, he got me roses and on my way home I panicked completely because I didn't know wtf I was going to tell my mommy, I ended up making a fake card from Siena.. LOL, hmm.. I'm determined to get all my homework done today, let's hope. I really need to stop slacking -.- But i'm being optimistic that I passed my last math quiz, because I actually think I did good.. ah please!
"If I were the wind; I would blow you a kiss, tug on your heart
and give you someone to miss." ♥
"If I were the wind; I would blow you a kiss, tug on your heart
and give you someone to miss." ♥
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
How low can you go?! lalala. Valentines this Saturday, blah.. Why are such stupid days created? Anyways, basketball game next Wednesday vs Terry Fox - i'm actually so excited bahaha. Finally kind of grasping onto Math and French.. But my socials is downhillllllllll, no joke. I haven't handed in the map, 2 current events, or todays worksheet. I hate school, did I mention that? With a hugee card that has to be done too. Thank gosh i'm only scheduled to work on Friday, seriously. My knee really hurts, weak knees. DRAMA FEST! Seriously, stand up for yourselff.. what are you trying to pull. When is this all gonna go away? Can't wait for spring break. What else can I not wait for? Sports banquettttt! OhD, we really need to think of that gift.. and planning the banquet with Sherina and Jacky; gong show in the making. I need to step up my gamee now.
Monday, February 9, 2009
The Rush.
I miss basketball, alll of it. Spring season; please come quick.
But as for now, I have to get my act together with schoool -.-
But as for now, I have to get my act together with schoool -.-
Sunday, February 8, 2009
EmC and I are having a "What's annoying you?" talk, it's fantastic. Anyhow, feelings fade eh? Oh shit, French crossgrade this week - i'm so screwed. This sucksss.. Oh and junior basketball playoff game tomorrow at seven @ central vs. new west! When are we going to have our last game against Alpha? weaksauce. Honestly, I am bored of out my minddddd!! but too lazy to actually do anything.. this is truly lame, wtf wtf wtf.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Let You Go.
It feels like summer all over again, like you're leaving. But you're not, you're right in front of me. Aiya. It's like wanting something you can't have when it's right there for you to grab.. It shouldn't be like this. Why don't you understand that I can't be her, you're with me expecting me to meet the standards of how you imagine her to be.. and I just can't do that for you.. i'm sorry..
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
TimeOut, indefinately.
So, apparently we didn't have a basketball game today but at 5, I get a text saying there is possibly one. At 6:30, I'm headed to Emily's to get a ride to Alpha for this so called game.. 6:36, I get off the bus to have to walk home since we decide it's cancelled and we'll reschedule. Ugh.. Anyhoww, I suppose i'm done with chemistry now. I'll go to class as a study block for attendance, fail it and deal with it. As for math, gotta get my shit together - same with socials actually. I'm taking on more than I can handle and it's finally catching up to me. Playingg match maker, LOL oh Elysia ;) Can't play my own game however, I can't sort it out for us if I can't even sort out my own feelings. I NEEED MORE SLEEP, bottom line.
"He would be hard to chase, but good to catch and he could change the world with his hands behind his back."
"He would be hard to chase, but good to catch and he could change the world with his hands behind his back."
Monday, February 2, 2009
inhaLe, eXhale .
I'm going into overload, everythings piling up. Truthfully, I don't know if I can balance you on top of it all.. basketball is basically over too, where am I going to take out all my stresss now eh? Bummer. No matter how hard I try to try, I can't stay focused - i'm tired of trying! Deep breaths, just breathe.

Sunday, February 1, 2009
The Silver Lining Ends Here :
Basketball game vs. South tomorrow - it's like asking to be curb stomped on the face. Anyways, went to Alex's today - haha Superbowl, you suck. Should've been at work but honestly, who wants to work when you know that it's going to be ridiculously busy because of the Superbowl? Exactly. I really need to shop by the way.. I hate how money is an obstacle >=( I also hate how valentines day is coming up and i'm oblivious as to what to get the lpy. Anyhoww.. I have Socials and Chemistry homework to be doing; laterr =)
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