Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Big Bang !

COUNTDOWNN : Tomorrow's the day, New Years Eve to be exact. I know I rambled about the year coming to an end already, but deal with it. The plan for tomorrow is to go for dinner at Red Robins at 6, Basically so everyone sees each other and a get together thing to finish off 08' yenno? It should be nice =) Anyways, afterwards.. I think we're heading back to either Chloe's or Keith's - that should be quite the entertainment haha. Anyhow, today was a nice chill day. Jen and I went over to Siena's and attempted to watch You Don't Mess With The Zohan, it was also a huge failure since it kept freezing every other scene.. So we watched parts of Finding Nemo - Well technically, we texted on our phones. But anyhow.. we finished organizing NYE then Jen had to leave (finally.. felt like forever) KIDDING! Ps; "IM NOT GAY" haha loser =) So Siena and I spent like 20 minutes trying to find food that would deliver.. Only to come to a conclusion that we'd order in another time, and so here I am - at home :) Well, I guess i'll write to you again.. in 2009. Gooooood Bye 08' !

Monday, December 29, 2008

" Ice Ice Baby "

The roads everywhere are iced! It's super cold out again too, dangerous enough? =P Hopefully the snow and ice, everything, just disapears. Anyhow, NYE coming up on Wednesday and we're still not sure what we're doing - chaos. Then soon enough, what we dread : school. Basketball practice first day back, oh joy.. followed by our first game against Mountain on Tuesday at seven { it bites } but anyhow, then practice on Thursday. I miss basketball and all, but we seriously need to do some conditioning eh? I believe the I exam for math is the first day back too - it's like looking death in the face. On another note ; Keith, Siena and I went to Tony's today.. well wasn't that an adventure? We got off at the wrong bus stop, which made a huge difference, so we ended up walking quite a way. Watched a movie, had pizza, played Clue! It was super cozy and insane at the same time. Then again, what else do you expect when Keith and Tony are together? (: That's what I thoughtt! This is also really random, but.. I'm really craving sushi. Well, mind over matter? haha as if. Well I think the boyfriend is angry or something like that, let's hope not. :)

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Closure at it's best.

So 2008's coming to an end, time flies when you're having fun. Another rollercoaster ride as usual, with a little less drama on the side. But in the end, there's always the true few - I lovee you guys.
chloe joyce pia siena abby matt elysia alison jen alex phuong corinne ashley christine larissa sigrid anna keith matthew jon ryan
This year wouldn't have been the same without you all, thanks for keeping me sane. As for 2009, it's another adventure we're taking on. Starting with a clean new slatee.